5th EWORA European Women Rectors Conference, Brussels (Solvay Library), 29-30 May 2017

The 5th EWORA European Women Rectors Conference: Pivoting on Gender Equality through the lens of Leadership: Policies, Strategies and Actions will be held in Brussels (Solvay Library), 29-30 May 2017. The 2017 Conference aims to promote a better understanding of gender disparity in academic leadership by discussing the policies, strategies and actions employed in different European HE institutions for empowering women academics and achieving gender equality.


UNICA President Professor Luciano Saso is one of the Conference's invited speakers.


Placing emphasis on the role of women in academic leadership positions and promoting gender equality in HE decision-making were among the key objectives set by the UNICA Board 2016-2017. In this context, UNICA started cooperation with EWORA in 2016 and hold the first informal meeting of UNICA women academic leaders in the framework of the EWORA Inaugural Conference, 20 June 2016.


Further details about the Conference and information on online registration (open until 15 April) are available on the EWORA website