Archive year 2013
31 December 2013 | Other
12 August, 2013 – 14:32
Report of the Fifth University-Business Forum has been published
On 4 and 5 June 2013, the Fifth University-Business Forum , organised by the European Commission, was held in Brussels. It took a focus on partnerships for innovation and growth…Read more
9 July, 2013 – 10:07
The CHE Consult staff week on internationalisation
The CHE Consult staff week offers the opportunity to combine the acquisition of new knowledge and state-of-the-art insight into major aspects of internationalisation today with a stay in one of…Read more
24 April, 2013 – 15:48
Debating Europe Vote 2014
Debating Europe is excited to announce the launch of Debating Europe Vote 2014 , the largest ever pan-European exercise in e-Democracy, giving citizens a chance to decide for themselves who…Read more