Erasmus+ Project that will study eye-movements to improve the learning experience kicks off in Turkey
17 December 2019 | From UNICA
The Secretary General of the UNICA Network, Kris Dejonckheere, attended the Kick-Off meeting of the project THEE – Teaching in Higher Education Effectively via Eye-tracking, on the 13th of December, at Middle East Technical University in Ankara, Turkey.
This is an Erasmus+ project that was selected within the scope of 2019 ERASMUS+ Main Action 2 “Strategic Partnerships in Higher Education (KA203)”. Coordinated by METU – Middle East Technical University – a UNICA member – the project includes as partners the University of Salerno (Italy), Vilnius University (Lithuania), Atatürk University Center for Advancing Learning and Teaching (ÖGEM), Dama Sistem Ltd. from METU Technopolis (both from Turkey), and UNICA.
The project will study eye movements of lecturers and students during class through the use of special glasses. The analysis of eye data will then give direct information about the cognitive process of lecturers, allowing them to improve their teaching skills.
During the kick off meeting partners had the chance to meet each other and share their expectations for this innovative project.
At the end of the project, computer-aided learning content will be designed and developed to facilitate the rapid transfer of knowledge and skills that academicians should acquire.
UNICA is proud to be part of project that puts technology at the service of education and looks forward to work with the project partners!