10th UNICA Scholarly Communication online Seminar
“Academic Libraries. Supporting the university community in the Open Science era“, 14-15 October 2021
Promoted by the University of Cyprus
Biographies of the Speakers & Abstracts:
Recordings of the Webinar
KEYNOTE SPEECH: THE EUROPEAN OPEN SCIENCE LANDSCAPE, by Silvia Bottaro, Legal Officer, EC, DG Innovation and Research, Open Science Unit
Metrics, values and the role of libraries assisting Universities with measurements, by Giannis Tsakonas, LIBER Innovative Scholarly Communication Steering Committee Chair, Acting
Director Library & Information Center, University of Patras
Expanding OA and digital services at UC3M: data management and digital humanities support, by Raul Aguilera Ortega, Head of Library at UC3M and Co-coordinator of UNICA
Scholarly Communication
Library’s role to support Open Science: the case of the University of Cyprus Library, by Sylvia Koukounidou, Coordinator of the Digitisation and Archives office, University of Cyprus Library
The role of the academic library in the enhancement of the overall quality of the University’s distant teaching /learning and research environment, by Elena Diomidi-Parpouna, Acting Library Director, University of Cyprus
The effects of extraordinary pandemic access to digitized collections, by Radka Římanová, Director, Central Library of Charles University and Lucie Panchártek Suchá, Head of the e-resources department, Central Library of Charles University
Open science in specific conditions in the libraries of the University of Zagreb, by Tatijana Petric, Head, Central Office for the Coordination of University Libraries, University of Zagreb
Stronger through the crisis? How the pandemic has opened up new perspectives, by Susanne Blumesberger, Head of Department Repository management PHAIDRA Services, Vienna University Library
KEYNOTE SPEECH: EOSC: WHAT ROLE FOR LIBRAIRES IN EOSC?, Wilhelm Widmark, Library Director of Stockholm University and Director, European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Association
Transformative agreements and beyond, by Krzysztof Siewicz, Library of Science – Project Coordinator, ICM; Jakub Szprot, Head of Open Science Platform, ICM; Natalia Gruenpeter, Specialist in communication, dissemination and training activities, ICM, University of Warsaw
Formation and development of the Cyprus Libraries Consortium (CLC). Impacts and Benefits, by Maria Haraki, Permanent Secretary at the Cyprus Libraries Consortium (text version)
Presentation of Plan S, by Johan Rooryck, Executive Director of cOAlition S
Support of libraries for Plan S at universities, by Mojca Kotar, Assistant Secretary General, Libraries, University of Ljubljana
Implementing an OA policy aligned on Plan S, by Dominic Tate, Head of Library Research Support, Edinburgh University Library
Copyright obstacles to Open Access and how to deal with it, by Prodromos Tsiavos, Athena RC
Open Access provisions in copyright law: examples from Germany, the Netherlands, France and Belgium, by Françoise Vandooren, Library Research Support Coordinator, Université libre de Bruxelles, and Laura De Pauw, Université libre de Bruxelles
A tricky challenge – Educating researchers about copyright clearance and licensing for open access publishing, by Christina Lenz, Managing Editor, Stockholm University Press, Stockholm University Library
Organising Committee
- Elena Diomidi-Parpouna, Acting Library Director, University of Cyprus
- Marianna Emmanouel, University of Cyprus Library
- Sylvia Koukounidou, Coordinator of the Digitisation and Archives office, University of Cyprus Library
- Françoise Vandooren, Library research support coordinator, Université libre de Bruxelles
- Laura Brossico, Project Manager, UNICA Secretariat
14 - 15 October 2021
Promoted by the University of Cyprus
Laura Brossico – laura.brossico@unica-network.eu