Rectors Seminar: Networking of university networks: synergy of partnership
The Rectors Seminar: Networking of university networks: synergy of partnership was organised as part of the 210th founding anniversary celebrations of the University of Belgrade, 24-25 May 2018.
The Rectors Seminar addressed the added value and novel forms of inter-university cooperation and discussed the reasons for the increasing interest in working in partnerships and forming strategic university alliances, partially prompted by the new “European Universities” initiative.
It also looked at the specific benefits of cross-border and inter-institutional partnerships, including networking for greener and inclusive Urban Universities and partnerships for academic heritage.
More photos are available in this Flickr album
Thursday, 24 May 2018
210 years of the University of Belgrade by Milos KOVIC, University of Belgrade
Relevance, Resilience and Respect in the “Mother of All Networks”: Networking Commonwealth Universities in the 21st century by Faye TAYLOR, Head of Strategic Partnership, Association of Commonwealth Universities
Challenges of Higher Education in Serbia by Ana JAKOVLJEVIC, Secretary General, Conference of Universities of Serbia,
Session I: Towards the new Erasmus Programme (2021-2027): Clustering European Universities?
European Universities’ (networks): (a lot of) Questions & (few) Answers by Marta BRELIH-WASOWSKA, UNICA Secretariat N.B. Please note that the information about the European Universities initiative included in the presentation is only preliminary.
University of Warsaw and the “4EU” initiative by Jolanta CHOINSKA-MIKA, Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Quality of Teaching, University of Warsaw, European University Alliance “4EU”, Member of the UNICA Steering Committee
Session II: Networking for Academic Heritage
University collections and museums: common ground for strong partnerships by Sébastien SOUBIRAN, President, UNIVERSEUM European Academic Heritage Network
Friday, 25 May 2018
Why University Networks matter? Role and Impact in the EU and South East Europe by Damir BORAS, Rector, University of Zagreb
Session III: Networking of University Networks: increasing cooperation, improving visibility, adding value
Comments on European Universities Initiative by Joāo Sáàgua, Rector, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
The Black Sea Universities Network by Eden MAMUT, Secretary General, Black Sea Universities Network
Session IV: Networking for inclusive & greener Urban Universities
Making UNICA a Network of Urban & Metropolitan future-proof Universities by Caroline Pauwels, Rector, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Students Achieving Valuable Energy Savings 2 (SAVES 2) by Joanna Romanowicz, NUS UK, Coordinator of Horizon 2020 Project SAVES2
UNICA upcoming activities and opportunities for Rectors by Prof. Luciano Saso, President of UNICA
Download the list of participants
Download the Practical information
Biographies of speakers and chairs
Dates: Thursday, 24 May, 2018 to Friday, 25 May, 2018
24 & 25 May, 2018
University of Belgrade