UNICA Scholarly Communication Webinar “Rights retention strategies”
Promoted by the University of Edinburgh | Wednesday, 31 January 2024, 14:00 – 15:50 (CET)
Rights Retention at the University of Edinburgh | Dominic TATE, Head of Library Research Support & Deputy Director, Edinburgh University Library
Rights Retention at King’s College London | Gavin BEATTIE, Associate Director (Research & Impact), King’s College London
Rights Retention Strategy at Vilnius University: from Policy to Implementation | Vitalij LEVIČEV, Open Science manager (Legal issues), Vilnius University Library, Department of Scientific Communication and Technology Scientific Information and Data Division
Slovenia: non-exclusive transfer of rights to third parties | Mojca KOTAR, Assistant Secretary General, University of Ljubljana

Rights retention strategies aim to enable authors to retain intellectual property rights to comply any Open Access requirements from funding agencies, either at a European, national, regional, or even institutional level. It is not only that authors may unlock their publications using the accepted version by the publishers, but also that they are able to share them with licenses as open as possible in institutional repositories.
After a keynote speech by Dominic Tate (Head of Library Research Support & Deputy Director, Edinburgh University Library) to set the framework, the webinar presented different approaches to rights retention at UNICA member universities (King’s College London, University of Vilnius, and University of Ljubljana), followed by an interactive session in three breakout groups led by facilitators, during which the participants shared their needs and challenges relating to the development and implementation of rights retention policies.

31 January 2024
Promoted by the University of Edinburgh
14:00 – 15:50 pm CET
Laura Brossico (laura.brossico@unica-network.eu)