UNICA General Assembly 2007
- Elections 2007 – announcement (word document)
- Program (word document)
- Registration form (word document)
- Practical information (word document)
- Minutes of the UNICA contact person meeting (pdf document)
- Summary (pdf document)
- Overview of Arthur Mettinger’s presidency (2004 – 2007) (powerpoint presentation)
- Welcome of the Minister for Education & Science of Russian Federation (pdf document)
- Cooperation between UNICA and the Russian Rectors Union (pdf document)
- Welcome words from the new UNICA president, Stavros Zenios (pdf document)
- An agenda for UNICA : presentation of the newly elected President S. Zenios (Rector of the University of Cyprus) (pdf document)
- Arthur Mettinger’s presidency farewell words (pdf document)
- UNICA Steering Committee members 2008-2009 (pdf document)

8-10 November 2007
Moscow, Russia
Lomonosov Moscow State University