UNICA STUDENT CONFERENCE 2012: “The Ideal European University”, University of Oslo, 10-13 October 2012
The UNICA Student Conference “The Ideal European University” was hosted by the University of Oslo, 10-13 October 2012.UNICA extends its warmest thanks and congratulations to the Organisers, Volunteers, Tutors, Chairs, and last but not least: the participating Students! Thank you for making this Conference a truly memorable event.
MOVIE COMPETITIONThe Jury of the UNICA Student Conference 2012 awarded three movies:1st prize: National and Kapodistrian Universiy of Athens (see the movie here)2nd prize: University of Lausanne (see the movie here)3rd prize: Universite Paris Sorbonne nouvelle (see the movie here)See all the movies on YouTube (UNICAsc2012 channel)!
NEXT UNICA STUDENT CONFERENCE (2014)The next UNICA Student Conference will be hosted by the University of Lausanne, 8-12 October 2014
- Join the UNICA Student Conference 2012 Facebook fan page: www.facebook.com/UnicaStudentConference2012
- Download Programme of the tutors round tables
- Kris Dejonckheere & Marta Wasowska, UNICA communication & events in late 2012
- Luciano Saso, EGRACONS: European GRading CONversion System – Practical Approach to Improving ECTS Implementation in Europe
- Mattias Buess, World Student Environmental Summit 2012
- Jorulf Brøvig Silde & Maryam Faghihimani, UNICA Green Academic Footprint
- Trine Merete Kvernmo, Presentation of the University of Oslo’s work with strategy and implementation of Joint Degrees
- Anna Klimczak, “New Opening of University”
- Adina Pop, Roma Tre University: Internationalisation Excellency Projects

10-13 Oct. 2012
University of Oslo