IAU releases the 5th Global Survey on Internationalization of Higher Education
09 September 2019 | Other
Based on input from 907 HEIs in 126 different countries, the IAU 5th Global Survey “Internationalization of Higher Education: An Evolving Landscape, Locally and Globally” is the most geographically comprehensive collection and analysis of primary data on internationalization of higher education.
From March to October 2018, IAU collected data from higher education institutions in all parts of the world, to establish an accurate picture of the global higher education landscape today, covering all aspects from policy to research, human resources and staff development, student mobility and the design of curricula.
Assessing internationalization trends over time and comparing developments across regions, the 5th Global Survey provides unique insights into the internationalization process. It highlights its overall increased importance, its beneficial impact on the quality of teaching and learning and how it enhances international cooperation and capacity building. However, the report also reveals its limitations and the main area of concerns, such as funding, recognition of qualifications or rising nationalism.
>> More information is available on the IAU website: https://iau-aiu.net/internationalization?onglet=2
>> Download the Executive Summary
>> The online version of the IAU 5th Global Survey is available free of charge to IAU Members.
>> Also available for sale: to order a copy of the print version please contact Hannah Pöhlmann.