International Workshop “Digitally enhanced mobility as a driver for micro-credentials in higher education”
05 April 2023 | From our Members
The online workshop is organised by the University of Bucharest and the Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI) as part of the “New building blocks of the Bologna Process: fundamental values (NewFAV)” project.
25 April 2023 | 10:00-13:00 CET

Keynote speech by Maria Kelo
Director for Institutional Development, European University Association (EUA),
The event aims to bring together experts, academics, researchers, decision makers, students and other individuals interested in how digitally enhanced mobility can act as a driver for building up new approaches to teaching and learning in higher education, based on micro-credentials.
Download the Agenda HERE.
Register to the workshop HERE (registration deadline: 20 April)
Further information on the event can be requested to the following email address: