Submitted by UNICA, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, St Kliment Ohridkski in Bitola, Brussels Education Services, Vrije Universiteit Brussel and University of Vienna, this project aims to provide the background information and findings to develop and implement a new Higher Education Policy in FYRoM with appropriate laws and structures which will align Macedonian State Universities with the European ones.
PRIUM promotes an Integrated University Model in two public state universities in FYRoM: St Kliment Ohridkski in Bitola (UB) and Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje (UKIM). This Integrated University Model will allow a central university management and administration structure with modern decision-taking bodies.
The final project outcome will be a publication with recommendations for the Macedonian Higher Education System. These recommendations will be addressed to the university management staff as well as to the Macedonian authorities at national and local levels.
Project info
14 November 2017
14 November 2019
Project Coordinator