H2020 SAVES2 project at the 1st Energy & Environment Clustering Event, Durham University, UK, 23 – 24 September 2019
03 September 2019 | From UNICA
“Energy, environment and us: Circular economy and the role of citizens”, the first “Energy & Environment Clustering Event” will be hosted by Durham Energy Institute at Durham University and facilitated by the EUA Energy & Environment Platform.
The event will focus on the need for new skills and knowledge for the energy and climate transition. It will also highlight the crucial mindset change needed to increase efficiency in the use of raw materials and reduce harmful emissions. The concept of the circular economy and the important role of consumers will be addressed.
The H2020 project SAVES2 – Students Achieving Valuable Energy Savings will contribute in the event on 23 September with a presentation by Dr Andrew Wright, De Montfort University and Rachel Soper (NUS UK) in the Session “Universities as key actors in research, education and innovation towards the energy and climate transition” – Parallel session “Students engagement”.
More information on the event is available at: https://www.eua.eu/events/90-1st-energy-environment-clustering-event.html.
SAVES2 is coordinated by NUS UK. UNICA and four UNICA members are partners in the project.