Survey on staff development in teaching: share your experience with Erasmus+ funded project STAFF-DEV
17 May 2024 | From partners
The Staff development for learning and teaching at European universities (STAFF-DEV) launched a survey to map approaches to staff development at European HEIs, and analyse how they work in their respective environments. The survey is open to all higher education institutions in Europe, with the deadline to complete it being on 21 June. To help prepare responses, a PDF version of the survey questions is also available.
STAFF-DEV is an Erasmus+ funded project that aims to analyse how staff development and academic assessment are conducted at European higher education institutions (HEIs), and strengthen institutional capacity and strategies in this regard.
The collected information will be published by autumn 2024, followed by a literature review and outcomes from focus groups by early 2025. For any queries regarding the survey, please contact
The European University Association leads the EU-funded STAFF-DEV project (2024-2026), alongside University College Cork (Ireland), the University of Oslo (Norway), Utrecht University (the Netherlands) and Ruhr-University Bochum (Germany).