UNICA President and Steering Committee elections 2023
15 June 2023 | From UNICA

Sorin Costreie, Vice-Rector from the University of Bucharest, elected President of UNICA for period 2023-2027
The Vice-Rector for Public Relations and University Networks of the University of Bucharest, Sorin Costreie, has been elected the President of the UNICA Network, with a term office from 2023 to 2027. The General Assembly of UNICA – the highest body of the network, composed by all the member universities, usually represented by their Rectors – elected the new President during the 33rd UNICA General Assembly, in Brussels, on the 15th of June 2023. Sorin Costreie takes on the leadership of the network after serving as a member of the Steering Committee between 2019 and 2023. He succeeds to Luciano Saso, from Sapienza University of Rome, who completed two mandates as President of UNICA between 2015 and 2023.
About Prof. Sorin Costreie
Sorin Costreie is Vice-Rector for Public Relations and University Networks of the University of Bucharest. He was previosuly Vice-Rector for International Relations and Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy in 2016 and 2017, and is a member of the University Senate since 2011. In between, in 2016, he was Adviser to the Minister and State Secretary in the Ministry of Education and Scientific Research. He was the Head of the Quality Management Department (2008-2016).
He is Associate Professor at the Department of Theoretical Philosophy, University of Bucharest. He holds a PhD in Philosophy (University of Bucharest, 2007), with a thesis in philosophy of mathematics, and pursued further doctoral studies in philosophy of langauge at the University of Western Ontario, Canada between 2000 and 2008. He has published articles, books and edited volumes with Routledge, Springer, Oxford University Press, Taylor & Francis, Elsevier, Humanitas, University of Bucharest Press, etc.
He was awarded several scholarships and fellowships to study for extended periods in Canada, United States, Germany, Spain, and Italy. His area of interest has lately focused on mathematical cognition and critical thinking. He is member of various professional associations, and since 2014 he is member of the Steering Committee of the European Society of Analytic Philosophy.
New Steering Committee
Following the election of Sorin Costreie, UNICA members also voted for the election of a new Steering Committee. They elected a new member, namely Julio Cañero-Serrano, Vice-President for International Relations, University of Alcalá (Spain), who will be joining re-elected members Anastas Gerdjikov, Rector, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski (Bulgaria), and Dimitrios Karadimas, Vice Rector for Academic and International Affairs, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece). They succeed Luca Viganò, Global Envoy from King’s College London (UK), and President-elect Sorin Costreie.
The UNICA General Assembly was held in advance of the UNICA Rectors Seminar “The way forward: Exploring the paths towards the future of European higher Education“.