4EU+ Alliance conference “Towards shared educational frameworks within European University alliances”
30 April 2021 | European Universities
The 4EU+ Alliance is organizing an online synergy conference titled “Towards shared educational frameworks within European University alliances: first results, pandemic adaptations and challenges for the future”. The conference is hosted by the University of Milan in the framework of 4EU+ policy dialogue events and will take place on Wednesday, 19 May 2021 from 14:00 to 16:00 CET.
The conference aims at discussing the state of development of the alliances’ collaborative education models: what activities and programmes the alliances are succeeding in setting up, what new teaching methods and learning pathways are being piloted, what kind of changes and creative solutions they applied in order to adapt to the COVID-19 pandemic crisis and to institutional differences, and finally, what are the challenges and obstacles they see for the further realisation of their educational strategies. During the conference, four European Universities selected in the EC’s first call – CHARM-EU, CIVIS, Una Europa and 4EU+ Alliance (all of which include UNICA member universities) – will share their experiences, success stories and lessons learned.
The conference announcement, preliminary programme, and online registration form are available on the website of 4EU+. Registrations are open until 14 May.
About 4EU+ Alliance
UNICA Universities in the alliance: University of Copenhagen (Denmark), Charles University in Prague (Czech Republic), University of Warsaw (Poland), Sorbonne Université (France)
The 4EU+ European University Alliance brings together six comprehensive, research-intensive, public universities from four regions of Europe to strengthen the European vision of deepened cooperation and mutual enrichment. It aims to create a new quality of cooperation in teaching, education, research and administration. The cooperation is based on a common understanding of the idea of the European university that builds on academic freedom and autonomy and ensures fair access and participation in education.