UNICA supports member universities increase the visibility of their activities through the UNICA communication channels, mainly the website and monthly newsletter.
If you are part of a member university and would like us to help with dissemination, please contact us at office@unica-network.eu.
We encourage you to share with us activities with specials features that can be of added value to the other members and partners, such as:
- University events & achievements;
- Webinars, seminars, discussion panels, workshops, etc.
- Relevant calls for action/ papers;
- Relevant projects & project results;
- Innovative research;
- Prizes & awards.
Dissemination of academic offer should be limited to the launch of new programs or that have scholarships available for international applicants.
Platforms for staff mobility & summer schools
Dissemination of staff mobility activities and summer & winter schools must be done through the specific platforms:
- Training activities for university administrative and technical staff (including staff weeks): http://staffmobility.eu/
- Teaching and training mobility opportunities for academic staff: https://teachingmobility.eu
- Summer & Winter Schools from UNICA universities: unicasummerschools.eu