Join SIEM project’s Conference on the Social Dimension of Erasmus+ | 3-4 October

06 September 2022 | Other

Join SIEM project’s Conference on the Social Dimension of Erasmus+ | 3-4 October

Register now to join the Conference on the Social Dimension of Erasmus+, in Brussels, 3-4 October 2022!

The SIEM final conference welcomes professionals interested in diversity and inclusion in student mobility and how student mobility programmes can have a lasting impact on students and their host communities.

The conference is organised within the scope of the Social Inclusion and Engagement in Mobility (SIEM) project, an Erasmus+ KA3 project on Inclusion and Social Cohesion representing an important step towards making international mobility opportunities more inclusive, and enabling students from all backgrounds to study, work or volunteer abroad.

Check out the agenda for the conference here.

Participation is free, but registration is mandatory and closes on September 15.

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