Erasmus+ project “NewFAV” final online conference: join the conversation on fundamental values and microcredentials in Higher Education | 19 July

09 July 2024 | From partners - Funding

Erasmus+ project “NewFAV” final online conference: join the conversation on fundamental values and microcredentials in Higher Education | 19 July

The Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI) is organising the Final Conference of the NewFAV project (New building blocks of the Bologna Process: Fundamental Values). The conference titled “New Building blocks of the Bologna Process: (1) Fundamental Values and (2) Micro-credentials” will take place online, on the the July 19, between 13h00 and 17h15 EET (12h00-16h15 CEST).

The event is open to experts, public institution representatives, NGO members, academic and administrative staff, researchers, students, and anyone interested in exploring fundamental values and micro-credentials in higher education.

The Conference will explore recent developments in the European Higher Education Area and present the results of the project. Topics of the sessions include:

  • Fundamental values in EHEA post-Tirana and NewFav project
  • Monitoring fundamental values in EHEA: Piloting report
  • Technical Policy Framework for Fundamental Values
  • EU guidelines on academic values by DG EAC
  • Micro-credentials in EHEA: Design and piloting lessons.

Download the complete agenda.

Participation is free but registration is needed. Register HERE by July 15.

About the NewFAV project

The “New building blocks of the Bologna Process: fundamental values” (NewFAV) project is an Erasmus+ co-funded project coordinated by UEFISCDI and implemented in collaboration with the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research. The project is supported by UNICA, the European University Association (EUA), the European Students’ Union (ESU), and the DAAD German Service for Academic Exchanges.

The project aimed to support Bologna Process commitments, align with the Rome Communiqué, and contribute to the BFUG Fundamental Values Working Group by proposing indicators for monitoring and assessing fundamental values. This included mapping existing international indicators, developing a technical framework for measuring these values, and piloting the indicators in four European countries. An Advisory Board oversaw the project, involving international and national experts. Additionally, the project explored micro-credentials’ role in social inclusion, in line with the Paris and Rome Communiqués.

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