8th UNICA PR & Communication Workshop

The 8th UNICA PR & Communication Workshop: Is university advertising pushing the boundaries too far? Best practices and lessons learned from PR to marketing and beyond! was hosted by the University of Cyprus, 2-3 May 2019. 

The workshop gathered 30 professionals from 16 UNICA Member Universities (Heads of University PR, Marketing & Advertising, Communication, Press Advisors, Chief web editors and social media specialists, University officers working in PR, marketing, University officers working in science, web & social media communications), who had the opportunity to discuss and learn about the following topics

► Marketing tools for university advertising. How to be effective and live up to university legacy, mission and values. University advertising locally and globally: Is there a difference in approach?

► Alumni and students engagement as a key factor for university promotion and community building. How to shape your social media strategy to engage them in the shortening life cycle of social media platforms?

“Digital Marketing: Strategy and Opportunities”: Master Class by Adamantios Kitridis, expert in digital Marketing and Information Technology.


List of participants

Photos available in this Flickr album


More information about the UNICA PR & Communication Working Group?

Please contact Laura Brossico: office@unica-network.eu.

Learn more about the previous Workshops.

Dates: Thursday, 2 May, 2019 to Friday, 3 May, 2019

8th UNICA PR & Communication Workshop

University of Cyprus