Multiplier event of MP4S Project I Online, 10 September 2024

UNICA is proud to host the final multiplier event of the Erasmus+ project Mindfulness Practices for Students in Society (MP4s), online on 10 September 2024, from 10h00 to 12h00 CEST.

As a consortium member, UNICA has contributed to the key objective of the project, aiming at supporting students’ emotional difficulties through mindfulness practices and training, fostering compassionate care of self, others and the planet within higher education institutions. More details can be found on the official project website.

This virtual multiplier event is dedicated to present the key results of this journey, for instance the elaboration of the SIT4PLANET, a tailorable syllabus that enables university stakeholders to embed mindfulness practices in any of their courses and/or campus activities.

The event is open to representatives of university management, especially Vice Rectors for Education, Student Affairs and Sustainability, deans of faculty as well as key players in the European and international higher education landscape, with a particular focus on mental health. Furthermore, especially student organisations, including students themselves, are warmly encouraged to participate.

Mandatory for participation is the submission of the registration form until the latest 9 September 2024 COB. After registration, participants will receive the necessary credentials for the online meeting.

Registration Form: Multiplier Event of the Erasmus+ project Mindfulness Practices for Students in Society (MP4S) I Online, 10 September 2024, 10h00-12

    Please note that the data you provide us with by submitting this form will be stored in UNICA database, accessible only to UNICA Office staff. The data will only be shared with the organizers and will not be transferred to any other parties.

Multiplier event of MP4S Project I Online, 10 September 2024
