UNICA – EUTOPIA 3rd webinar: How European University Alliances can support citizen science | 25 May 2023

Promoted by Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Since January 2021, the EUTOPIA European University Alliance has been supporting citizen science through means of the EUTOPIA TRAIN project (H2020 SwafS). With this project nearing its ending, we have looked back on the ways the Alliance has allowed citizen science support and initiatives to grow and flourish. In this webinar, EUTOPIA joined forces with UNICA to bring you both a deep dive and 3 shorter case studies on how European University alliances can provide an important framework for citizen science at your university.


Case studies

(Re)Watch the webinar!

Following this webinar, participants were also offered the opportunity to join EUTOPIA TRAIN’s final ‘Citizen Science Clinic’ to gain insight into the possible impact of this type of international peer learning sessions.
Interested? Register here.

(Max. 30 participants; full is full. You will either receive a confirmation of your registration, or a message to invite you for the waiting list)

For more information on the EUTOPIA TRAIN’s final ‘Citizen Science Clinic’ please contact Floor.Keersmaekers@vub.be

UNICA – EUTOPIA 3rd webinar: How European University Alliances can support citizen science | 25 May 2023



14:00 – 15:30 CEST

