UNICA Student Conference 2017
Official website of the Conference: http://www.unicaroma.it |
Student Conference Photos: Flickr album
The 9th UNICA Student Conference: Towards a Student-Centred University was hosted by Sapienza University of Rome together with Universities Tor Vergata, Roma Tre, and “Foro Italico”, 4-8 October 2017.
The 9th UNICA Student Conference in Rome brought together more than 200 Student delegates from 30 countries and 38 UNICA member universities.
Students had a unique possibility of meeting their peers from other European universities and discussing in 10 Forums focussing on different topics related to Higher Education. They had the possibility to share their experiences, constructive criticism, as well as propose improvements in different areas within Higher Education.
On the last day of the Conference each Student Forum presented an Action plan competing for two prize categories: the Students’ Vote Prize, and the Jury Prize (Jury was composed of the UNICA President Professor Luciano Saso, the UNICA Steering Committee members attending the Student Conference on 7 October, and the UNICA Secretary General).
Read and article about the Conference written by the Student delegates of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow
WINNING ACTION PLANS Students’ Vote Prize: Forum 9 “Integration of refugees: what can Universities do?”Jury Prize: Forum 8 “Greener Universities”The students of the two winning action plans received symbolic prizes at the Conference, and will be asked to submit full project proposals with requests for small UNICA co-funding |
UNICA Film CompetitionThe contest was open to all delegations of the 2017 UNICA Student Conference, which submitted a short video on the main theme of the Conference “Towards a Student-Centred University”. The videos were presented at Sapienza University on 4 October 2017, and all the Student delegates were invited to vote for their preferred film. THE WINNER WAS… THE VIDEO BY THE PARIS DELEGATION Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, University Paris Dauphine ALL THE VIDEOS ARE AVAILABLE HERE |
Presentation Students’ Action Plans
1 – Forum Quality of Higher Education: Presentation
2 – Forum Student-Centered Learning: Presentation
3 – Forum New ways of teaching and learning: Presentation – Action plan
4 – Forum Fostering access to Higher Education: Presentation
5 – Forum Student Mobility: Presentation – Position Paper
6 – Forum Recognition: Presentation – Position Paper
7 – Forum Employability of students: Presentation
8 – Forum Greener Universities: Presentation
9 – Forum Integration of refugees: what can Universities do?: Presentation – Position Paper
10 – Forum The Future of Europe: Presentation
Presentations Academic Tutors’ Round Table
The Advancement of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in a University Community, by Conor BUGGY, Assistant Professor in Occupational and Environmental Studies, UCD Centre for Safety and Health at Work, School of Public Health, Physiotherapy and Sports Science, University College Dublin
The International Studies in Education Programme: An untapped contribution to internationalisation at the University of Iceland, by Brynja Elísabeth HALLDÓRSDÓTTIR, Coordinator of Undergraduate Studies, Department of Education Studies, School of Education, University of Iceland
Helping the refugees: The National and Kapodistrian University of Athens students’ experience, by Athina A. DIMOPOULOU, Associate Professor, Law School, Department of History and Theory of Law, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
The importance of being informed in digital society. The Information literacy courses within UNICA universities, by Elitsa LOZANOVA-BELCHEVA, Associate Professor, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Library Studies, Scientific Information and Cultural Policy, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”
Exploring the benefits and challenges of Erasmus+ by Ankara University Perspective, by Onur HOSNUT, Erasmus Vice Coordinator, EU Educational Programmes Office, University of Ankara
Procedure of awarding the Student Action Plans
2017 UNICA Student Conference Film Competition
Academic Tutors’ Round Table Programme
Topics for the 10 discussion forums
Student Conference: short history, who is who
About previous UNICA Student Conferences
For any questions about the UNICA Student Conference, please contact Ms Laura BROSSICO (UNICA Secretariat): office@unica-network.eu

4 - 8 Oct 2017
Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza; Università degli Studi di Roma; Tor Vergata Università degli Studi di Roma Tre