Online consultation on attractive and sustainable careers in higher education
07 April 2023 | Other

Consulting company Ecorys is currently conducting an online survey for the European Commission Directorate General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture (DG EAC) that will lead to a European framework for attractive and sustainable careers in higher education.
UNICA members are invited to complete the survey by 19 May 2023.
The online consultation is contributing to developing a framework that responds to long-established needs on careers in higher education highlighted by the Member States and stakeholders, as announced in the European Commission Communication on a European Strategy for Universities.
Stakeholders in the European higher education landscape are invited to identify challenges and share practices that ensure the provision of flexible and attractive academic careers, valuing teaching, entrepreneurship, management, leadership, and research activities.
The survey takes between 20 and 30 minutes to complete and covers a wide range of issues: the importance of teaching and learning on equal weight with research; academic freedom; transnational cooperation; career development paths; appraisal, promotion, and reward; financing and management in higher education; institutional autonomy; workload pressures; contract conditions; remuneration; recruitment; gender; inclusion and equity. You will have a choice of the language you would like to respond to the survey in, between English, French, and German.
For any further information or help please contact