Aims and general description:
The LEAD project brings together experts and stakeholders in university governance and academic leadership from EU and China. The European expertise and experiences will help the Chinese HEIs to strengthen their governance and leadership for innovation and internationalisation. The LEAD project will provide unique training, workshops and role-model learning opportunities for university management teams, and an exchange platform between European and Chinese partners. This will facilitate and speed up the internationalization processes of HEIs, especially in the area of academic governance and leadership.
The project focuses on improving the competences of HEI academic leadership in governance for educational innovation and modernisation of Higher Education. Through the development of training modules, site visits, acedemic leadership seminars, job shadowing & other training activities, the project will aim at facilitating the EU-China cooperation on education innovations and joint research and support HEIs in strategic planning and change management.
The specific objectives of the project include:
- To develop and implement training for academic leaders on university governance and academic leadership;
- To enhance capacities of academic leaders of HEIs on university governance and leadership (such as policy making, strategic planning and change management);
- To support and enhance internationalization of HEIs;
- To strengthen EU-China cooperation on university governance & academic leadership and foster a better understanding of academic leadership approaches in the EU and China.
The LEAD project will develop and implement on the following main activities:
- Workshops and training/coaching on university governance and leadership for academic leaders;
- Job shadowing;
- Round table on HEI academic leadership;
- Development of training material (printed and online MOOC course on HEI governance & academic leadership);
- University site visits for academic leaders focusing on university governance related issues;
- Dissemination conferences and events.
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Coordinator, UNICA member)
- Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (UNICA member)
- Middle East Technical University (UNICA member)
- University of Tampere
- Peking University (PKU)
- Tongji University (TJU)
- Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST)
- National Academy of Education Administration (NAEA)
- Yunnan Normal University (YNNU)

Project info
15 November 2015
14 October 2018
Project Coordinator
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (UNICA member)
UNICA’s role
Developing training courses for university leadership and Dissemination
Relevant UNICA working group
Rectors Seminars