Read UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science, the world first international standards for open science

17 January 2022 | From UNICA

Read UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science, the world first international standards for open science

Story highlights

– UNESCO published the first international framework on open science
– Document will serve as a common roadmap for 193 countries
– Reccommendation has seven priorities

The end of 2021 brought great news for Research, as the first international framework on open science was adopted by 193 countries attending UNESCO’s General Conference on 26 November 2021. Open Science has become a key topic in research and education circles, especially as the pandemic exposed and accelerated the debate surrounding the need to make science more efficient, reliable, and responsive to societal challenges. The European Commission website refers to Open Science as “a transition in how research is performed and how knowledge is shared”, but up until recently there was no universal definition of open science and standards existed only at regional, national or institutional levels.

Now, in adopting the Recommendation, the 193 countries have agreed to abide by common standards for open science. By rallying behind a set of shared values and guiding principles, they have adopted a common roadmap. The document calls on Member States to set up regional and international funding mechanisms for open science and to ensure that all publicly funded research respects the principles and core values of open science. It also encourages the development of infrastructures for open science and the preparation of a framework outlining the requisite skills and competencies for those wishing to participate in open science.

Seven priorities

To   achieve   its   aim,   the   key   objectives   and   areas   of   action   of   the recommendation are as follows:

  1. promoting  a  common  understanding  of  open  science,  associated  benefits and challenges, as well as diverse paths to open science;
  2. developing an enabling policy environment for open science;
  3. investing in open science infrastructures and services;
  4. investing  in  human  resources,  training,  education,  digital  literacy  and capacity building for open science;
  5. fostering a culture of open science and aligning incentives for open science;
  6. promoting  innovative  approaches  for  open  science  at  different  stages of the scientific process;
  7. promoting   international   and   multi-stakeholder   cooperation   in   the  context  of  open  science  and  with  view  to  reducing  digital,  technological and knowledge gaps

As Open Science is a frequent topic in UNICA activities, we welcome these news with great enthusiam. This reccommendation will stregthen the efforts that have been carried out at the European level, especially in what concerns Horizon Europe projects, hence contributing accelerate the development of the European Research Area (ERA).

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