Roma Tre University invites students and professionals to join the entrepreneurship program ‘Dock3 – The Startup Lab’
10 March 2022 | From our Members

Story highlights:
– Dock3 – The Startup Lab is Roma Tre University’s entrepreneurship program
– Program is open to external students and professional
Italian UNICA member, Roma Tre University, invites those who want to experiment with entrepreneurial skills and validate a business project to join ‘Dock3 – The Startup Lab’, the university’s entrepreneurship program.
The program is mainly aimed at students and graduates from 12 Departments of the University, but is also open to external students and professionals who can contribute with their skills to the development of an entrepreneurial project of a team of Roma Tre students.
Dock3 works in collaboration with Started, a project funded by the European Commission aimed at developing the entrepreneurial skills of researchers.
How Dock 3 works
100 university students, researchers, and graduates selected from hundreds of applications from over 50 universities have the opportunity to form multidisciplinary teams, define a problem, create a business model, and then validate the project on the market; all while accompanied by over 50 experienced mentors.
The program starts on April 4th with the composition of the teams. The training continues through May with online and in person meetings on subjects such as problem identification, lean management, customer discovery, business model, MVP and investor pitch. The program culminates in June with the Dock3 Demo Day, where the best teams from the program will present themselves to the public for the first time. A jury made up of dozens of entrepreneurs, investors and managers will judge the competing teams, and will elect the best 6 to join an accelerator with Peekaboo and LVenture; as well as recieving €8,000.