Rome Communiqué: Ministers responsible for Higher Education present vision for the second decade of the EHEA

02 December 2020 | Other

Rome Communiqué: Ministers responsible for Higher Education present vision for the second decade of the EHEA

Ministers of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) met virtually on November 19 and reaffirmed the commitment towards the development of a more “inclusive, innovative, interconnected and resilient” EHEA by adopting the Rome Communiqué. Three appendices to the Communiqué were also adopted, namely a statement on academic freedom; principles, and guidelines for the social dimension of higher education; and recommendations on learning and teaching. The meeting also marked San Marino’s entrance into the EHEA, making it the 49th member.

The newest Communiqué builds on the achievements from last the last 21 years since the signing of the Bologna Declaration and stresses the determination to put Higher Education at the service of societies: “We are determined to enable our higher education institutions to engage with our societies to address the multiple threats to global peace, democratic values, freedom of information, health and wellbeing”.

The Communiqué defines Higher Education Institutions as agents of transformation and key actors in meeting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. To achieve the intended vision, the ministerial group commits to continue the efforts to further develop the works on qualifications frameworks, ECTS, Diploma Supplement, the Lisbon Recognition Convention, and quality assurance systems.

Aligned with the Communiqués vision, the UNICA Network will keep advocating for dialogue among universities in capital cities and beyond within our pursuit as a catalyst for the advancement, integration, and cooperation of universities throughout Europe.

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