SAVES2 Project: paper on Students’ Fuel Poverty
22 June 2020 | Other
An analysis of the determining factors of fuel poverty among students living in the private-rented sector in Europe and its impact on their well-being
This work is part of wider research conducted for the Horizon 2020 funded SAVES 2 project and builds on the Homes Fit For Study research (NUS 2018) carried out by NUS in 2017 that provided in-depth insight into the student experience of fuel poverty in the UK.
The aim of the research presented in this paper is to understand, evaluate and consequently reveal the experiences of students living in the private-rented sector, quantify their possible exposure to fuel poverty, and to determine the impacts of this exposure on their well-being.’
Results demonstrate that this group is vulnerable to fuel poverty and that their exposure to such conditions can have a detrimental effect on both their mental and physical health, as well as their social life.