Students’ participation in international mobility programmes, such as Erasmus+, enhances the sense of EU citizenship, ESN report shows

06 June 2024 | From partners

Students’ participation in international mobility programmes, such as Erasmus+, enhances the sense of EU citizenship, ESN report shows

In light of the EU elections 2024, the Erasmus Student Network launched a breakout report of the XV ESNsurvey titled “Participation in Learning Mobility as a Driving Force to Change the European Union”. This report looked into whether participation in international mobility, particularly through the Erasmus+ Programme, is a decisive factor in making students more engaged in society and more likely to participate in the upcoming EU elections.

The conclusions indicate that participation in those programmes not only enhances the sense of European Union citizenship, as well as the broader perception of citizenship at the city level, European, and global levels. For instance, even one year before the elections, a vast majority of mobility participants eligible to vote in the EU elections expressed interest in exercising their voting rights.

The report also gathers information on the students’ priorities for Parliamentary candidates and the next Commission, with exchange opportunities, digital transformation, the role of Europe in the world, and freedom of movement being the highlights.

The report also draws from the conclusions of the Erasmus Generation in Action Project (EGiA), where all the produced outputs, such as the focus group results, can be found here.

Read the complete report on ESN’s website.

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