UZDOC 2.0 partners prepare for final event after meeting in Budapest

21 March 2019 | From UNICA

UZDOC 2.0 partners prepare for final event after meeting in Budapest

UZDOC 2.0 projects enters its final stage after partners met in Budapest, Hungary, on March 12 and 13 for the 5th consortium meeting and a knowledge sharing event on quality of doctoral education.

During the two-day event hosted by the Faculty of Education and Psychology from Eötvös Lórand University (ELTE), participants discussed the on-going work and started preparing the final event, which will take place in Nukus next September.

The participants started by discussing the development work packages, which included presentations about guidelines for the Joint Virtual Doctoral Centre, aimed at improving the quality of doctoral education on the base of the organization of interaction. The first part of the meeting also included a presentation on the Joint Doctoral Program proposal in the area of Chemistry and on the outcome of the surveys on employers’ expectations from doctorate holders and the level of transferable skills of Uzbek doctoral candidates.

The second day consisted of a knowledge sharing event where participants had the opportunity to learn about best practices on the quality of doctoral education and organization of doctoral schools. The event included key-note speeches by different actors involved in doctoral programmes, including students, faculty and individual in management positions at the university and national level. Kenneth Wann, Former Deputy Dean of the University Graduate College from Cardiff University, was one of the external experts at the event.

Discover all about this meeting and the upcoming activities of UZDOC 2.0 at the official website of the project. 

Check out the activities video prepared by one of the partners.

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