VUB receives auditors’ award for Best Impact Sustainability Report
12 December 2023 | From our Members

Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) has achieved a notable recognition by securing the Best Impact Sustainability Report Award in the “other organizations” category, presented by the Belgian Institute of Registered Auditors (IBR-IRE), for its publication Report to the Society.
VUB launched its Report to the Society with the aim of bringing together and reporting on all its initiatives related to sustainability. Sustainability was defined in the broadest sense, including environmental, wellbeing, inclusion and diversity. The report covers the university’s three action plans: sustainability, wellbeing and equality, linked to targets, KPIs and case studies.
According to the Rector of VUB, Jan Danckaert, the Report is a valuable document due to the specific profile of the university: “As an urban engaged university, we’re connected to our region and committed to a better world.” He also remembered the dedication of former Rector, Caroline Pauwels, to this cause by recalling the three important policy focus points launched during her mandate: sustainability, equality and wellbeing. Far from settling to this achievement, the Rector added that strategy is to move forward: “The transversal policies of sustainability, equality and wellbeing were started in recent years in the form of a temporary project. By fixing them in our regular policies, we want to permanently incorporate them into our operations.”
Stéphanie Quintart of IBR-IRE also commended VUB’s Report to the Society for its ambitious approach to inclusion and sustainability, praising its clear structure, readability, use of visuals, and alignment with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The report’s emphasis on governance, ethics, and social aspects beyond environmental considerations, as well as its consideration of the value chain and impacts on suppliers and students, also contributed to VUB winning the award.
UNICA congratulates the VUB for this remarkable achievement! This recognition not only highlights VUB’s commitment to sustainability but also underscores its dedication to fostering positive change. This accomplishment reflects the collective efforts of the academic community towards creating a more sustainable and inclusive future. Congratulations, VUB, on this well-deserved honor!
Learn more at the website of the VUB.

Source: ©IBR-IRE