En route to climate justice: consortium of the Open Pass 4 Climate project meets in Beauvais
20 March 2023 | From UNICA
Story highlights
– Project’s objective is to create an European Open Badges Passport, the first cross-border open recognition system for “climate justice and planet protection”
– Meeting in Beauvais was the first on-site of the consortium
The consortium of Erasmus+ funded project Open Pass 4 Climate (OP4C) met at the UniLaSalle campus in Beauvais, France, on the 14th and 15th of March for a two day work session on the first stage of the project mapping eco-pedagogy activities that will later on feed into an interactive catalogue, organised in learning paths.
The consortium – which includes UniLaSalle as the coordinator and UNICA, NOVA University Lisbon, Consorzio Scuola Comunità Impresa, and the University of Valladolid as partners – has agreed on a methodology to rightfully identify the eco-pedagogies, laying the ground to start the actual collection of activities. The next months will be dedicated to the collection of these activities.
What is eco-pedagogy?
An ecopedagogical activity aims to educate planetary citizens to adopt lifelong caring and appreciation for the nature. The planetary citizenship involves an ongoing process that expands beyond the classroom to the entire community, encouraging learners to develop awareness for planetary inclusiveness where collaboration and sharing with other species becomes the norm.
Kopnina, Helen (2020). Education for the future? Critical evaluation of education for sustainable development goals. Journal of Environmental Education, 2020, Academic Search Complete. Retrieved from: https://discovery.ebsco.com/c/7kzg2s/viewer/html/mrnm7xpd4b
The OP4C
OP4C aims to capacitate students to manage their learnings and commitments related to climate in a unique European Open Badges Passport. Starting with the mapping of eco-pedagogical activities in European higher education and outer landscape (high school, partner organisations, NGOs, etc), the project aims to imagine the first cross-border open recognition system for a specific theme “climate justice and planet protection”, through an Open recognition System, known as the Open Badges. On the user-end will be the OpenPass4Climate, a tool that works like a passport to collect the earning of badges and that is proof of one’s engagement in climate justice activities.