OP4C – European Open Badges Passport for Climate


OP4C aims to achieve promotion of for climate activities from awareness to commitment for change and justice by giving them a visibility through Open Badges and the OpenPass4Climate, as well to assess the impact of all what is offered on real changes for climate justice and to understand the mechanism that favours quick replication of “positive” behaviours.

Project activities & objectives

  • Eco-pedagogy mapping to create an online interactive catalogue where learning paths will be listed;
  • Nature & assessment of engagement, in collaboration with students;
  • Design a specific, standard, verifiable, portable and shareable Open Pass 4 Climate;
  • Impact evaluation, enlargement and policy recommendations.

Useful information

Project number: KA220-HED-FFCD54A5


OP4C – European Open Badges Passport for Climate

Project info

From 01 November 2022
to 31 October 2025



Project Coordinator

Institut Polytechnique UniLaSalle

Relevant UNICA working group

UNICA Green & SDGs