Open Pass 4 Climate, Kick off meeting
28 November 2022 | From UNICA
Let’s create a new generation of aware students with Open Pass 4 Climate!
On 21 November, the UNICA Team joined the kick-off meeting of the Erasmus+ funded project, Open Pass 4 Climate, in the green campus of UniLaSalle, Beauvais.
About the project
OP4C aims to capacitate students to manage themselves their learnings and commitments related to climate in a unique European Open Badges Passport.
- By producing a mapping of eco-pedagogical activities so that any European student could choose to learn about climate starting from where he feels it is relevant for him/her;
- By collecting concrete actions and commitments to inspire the ones that may hesitate to commit for climate;
- By creating Open Badges based on the commitments;
- By integrating and collecting the Open Badges in the European Open Badges Passport.
It is worth saying that in all these steps, students will be actively involved in the co-design of the Open Badges.
UNICA will have a fundamental role in this project, responsible of the Passport for the Open Badges, the Network will gather feedback from its member universities to build the best tool to collect eco pedagogical activities for students!
About the kick-off meeting
The coordinator of the project, UniLaSalle, chose to warm up the other partners by organising a Climate Fresk. The Climate Fresk aims at teaching the fundamental science behind climate change and empower to take action. Surprisingly (or not), when asked to explain their feelings after participating in the workshop using 5 words, participants started using words of sadness and anger, to finish with hope, collaboration and think big!
And this is how UNICA, UniLaSalle, NOVA University of Lisbon, Consorzio Scuola Comunità Impresa and the University of Valladolid are engaging in this project, by thinking big, by giving the students and citizens the opportunity to engage more easily and more actively in tackling climate crisis.
Be part of the change, think big with the OP4C team and stay tuned!
Regular updates about OP4C will be available here.