Academia & Industry: Innovation Models
Collaboration between universities and industry is an essential component of a balanced research ecosystem, and an important mechanism through which university research delivers economic and societal impact. However, this collaboration also entails risks and challenges.
Why do we innovate and what is the purpose of innovation in academia? Who are the key stakeholders in innovation and what are the challenges in aligning the interests and achieving a desired level of engagement and cooperation for successful innovation? What are the main factors for success in University-industry collaboration? How SSH cooperation with industry can be fostered?
The webinar addressed these issues and provided an overview of different innovation models and instruments that universities have been developing in order to promote and accelerate technology transfer to the society.
- Download the programme
- Have a look at the biographies and the abstracts of the speakers
- University-industry collaboration: factors for success, by Orla Feely
- Getting out from its academic ivory tower or the challenge of instilling an entrepreneurial spirit in a non-technological university, François Bussy
- How to stimulate SSH cooperation with industry?, Ioana Galleron
- Knowledge Transfer Metrics, Christophe Haunold
- Knowledge Generation and Technology Transfer at Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Javier Ortega-Garcia