EPO – UNICA event: Introducing the EPO and its European Patent Academy offer to UNICA, 21 September 2021

Joint EPO (European Patent Office) – UNICA event: Introducing the EPO and its European Patent Academy offer to UNICA | 21 September 2021, 15:30 – 17:00 CEST

This online session has been specifically designed for the UNICA members. The speakers gave general overview of the importance of patents as a source of information for research and new projects and as a means of protecting inventions. 
The focus was set on what the EPO does in terms of dissemination of Intellectual Property (IP) knowledge in Universities in Europe, more specifically on how to best protect and exploit the research results by raising awareness on IP and what the benefits are to know more about IP.

The online session illustrated what challenges are currently faced in universities and what can be done in cooperation with the European Patent Office to increase IP awareness and IP education.

Have a look at the presentation shared by Giovanna Oddo here.

Download the “Learning Catalogue for Academia”.

Register to the EPO e-centre to have an overview of what is offered at via this link.

The following e-courses are recommended to look at:

From idea to patent
Introduction to the European patent system
Patents and patent documentation (Technische Universität München)
The art of reading patent documentation
• Think patents: the value of patent documentation for innovation and research

EPO – UNICA event: Introducing the EPO and its European Patent Academy offer to UNICA, 21 September 2021



15:30 – 17:00 CEST

