Gender Equality Plans in Horizon Europe – Recommendations for successful implementation
A webinar promoted by Comenius University in Bratislava.
Previous research and innovation framework programmes have established or flagged “gender” and gender equality in projects, however the actual impact has never achieved its full potential. Certain formality has always been the optic towards gender in project proposals and actions.
The European Commission’s Union of Equality (2020) finally appeals to concrete actions. The new European Research Area (2020) requires developing concrete plans to promote gender equality, as well as diversity and inclusiveness in science, research, and innovation. In this sense, the Horizon Europe Framework Programme establishes Gender Equality Plans (GEP) as an eligibility criterion for public bodies, HEIs, and research offices.
The aim of the webinar is to share challenges and lessons learned of the implementation process of GEP among the UNICA members, especially research support managers and administrators, HR managers, and experts. Invited speakers will discuss the elements of GEP, the difficulties of the drafting process, and the potential impact. Presentations will be followed by a moderated Q/A, where participants are encouraged to share their experiences of their own institutions.
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Moderator & speakers:
- Carmen Montraveta, Director of Unit for Equality and expert in Psychobiology, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
- Zuzana Lisoňová, Head of Project Office, Comenius University in Bratislava (presentation)
- Julia Kubisa, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Sociology and Anna Grędzińska, Equal Opportunities Chief Specialist, University of Warsaw (presentation)
- Tereza Smužová, Legal Officer & HR Award Coordinator, Charles University (presentation)
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23 Nov 2021
10:30 – 11:45 CET