12th UNICA Bologna Lab Coordinators meeting, Charles University in Prague, 1-2 December


The 12th UNICA Bologna Lab Coordinators’ meeting took place on 1-2 December 2011 and was hosted by Charles University in Prague.

The meeting focused on 3 main areas:

  • New EC Communication “Supporting Growth and Jobs – an Agenda for the Modernisation of Europe's Higher Education Systems”: Consequences for the Policy Shaping at Higher Education Institutions
  • Measuring Quality in Education: Can We Trust the ‘Ranking’ Agencies? How To Develop Transparent Tools?
  • Innovative Doctoral Training: Future Development in Doctoral Programmes

With contributions from:

Peter van der Hijden, European Commission, DG Research and Innovation works in the Skills Unit dealing with Universities and Researchers. His expertise lies in researchers' training, career and mobility, European Research Area (ERA).

Gero Federkeil, International Ranking Expert, CHE (Centre for Higher Education) has published on quality assurance, evaluation, benchmarking, performance indicators and rankings. Member of the CHERPA Network team working on the U-Multirank-project. Vice-Chair of IREG – International Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence (International Ranking Expert Group).

Julie Fionda, European Commission, DG Education and Culture, Unit C1 Higher Education Policy and the Erasmus Programme: European Commission’s policy officer and projects manager, with responsibility on higher education policy. Unit’s responsible for the Modernisation Agenda.

Helena Sebkova, Director, Centre for Higher Education Studies, Prague, Czech Republic: Member of UNESCO Regional Scientific Committee for Europe and North America, Directing Group of the OECD/Institutional Management of HE. Main field of expertise: evaluating the quality of HE, international trends vs. national priorities in institutional governance, HE management, strategic planning of HE, the Bologna process.


Please note that due to their size three presentations are available in a zip file (link below).




Thursday, 1 December, 2011 to Friday, 2 December, 2011
BL12th Prague Programme V28.11.2011.pdf (319.1 KB)Download
UNICA Prague_Modernisation_agenda_ Julie_Fonda.pdf (128.57 KB)Download
EC Communication on Modernisation HE_com0911_en.pdf (76.56 KB)Download
EUA_Statement_in_response_to_EC_Consultation_on_Modernisation_of_Higher_Education_in_Europe.sflb_.ashx_.pdf (137.21 KB)Download
ESU-Statement-on-the-Modernisation-Agenda_0.pdf (403.05 KB)Download
UNICA Prague_Research__Peter_Van_der_Hijden_0.pdf (259.95 KB)Download
Update policy activities on Researchers and Universites (1 December 2011)_0.pdf (30.04 KB)Download
Best practice principles for innovative doctoral training_0.pdf (101.25 KB)Download
Practical info 12th BL Prague_0.pdf (527.71 KB)Download
UNICA Prague_Humboldt_University.pdf (250.96 KB)Download
EUA-QA-Policy-2010.sflb_.ashx_.pdf (62.55 KB)Download
Link presentations Melita Kovacevic, Gero Federkeil, Vera Stasna, Helena Sebkova.doc (51 KB)Download
Host Institution: 
Charles University
Karolinum, Císařský sál (“Emperor’s Hall”)
Ovocný trh 5, Prague 1