Resources from members, partners & other organisations to support academic communities from Ukraine

30 March 2022 | From UNICA

Resources from members, partners & other organisations to support academic communities from Ukraine

Information and resources to support victims of the crisis in Ukraine

UNICA reaffirms its firm condemnation of the aggression against Ukraine and its full solidarity with the people and academic communities of Ukraine as well as other victims of this conflict. With hopes of a pondered and swift end of this crisis, we reaffirm our commitment to peace in the European continent by upholding our mission to empower universities to put knowledge, research, and innovation at the service of democratic societies.

In this page you will find a collection of statements, information and initiatives from the UNICA Secretariat, the UNICA members, partners, and other organisations to support members of academic communities affected by the crisis.

From UNICA members

InstitutionInitiative in briefExternal link
University of WarsawCollection of news, statements and initiatives undertaken to help the Ukrainian community
University of ViennaCollection of news, media, and statements on the situation in Ukraine
Université libre de
Bruxelles (ULB)
#HelpUkraine. Initiatives undertaken by members of ULB community in favour of Ukrainian refugees.
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)Help VUB help Ukraine. Support initiatives for victims of the conflict.
University of LuxembourgStanding with Ukraine. Support initiatives for displaced researchers and students from Ukraine
Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech)Stand With Ukraine. Information on activities related to supporting international students and employees from Ukraine.
University of HelsinkiInformation on the effects of the war in Ukraine on the University of Helsinki and University-level guidelines and instructions.
PSL UniversityInformation about the assistance package to help students and researchers affected by the crisis.
Université Sorbonne NouvelleConflit Ukraine – Russie : l’université se mobilise. Systems put in place for students and staff affected by the war in Ukraine.
Freie Universität Berlin (FU Berlin)Lending a Helping Hand as a Community. Blog that serves as a platform to highlight the volunteering efforts of university members.
Humboldt University BerlinSupport initiatives for victims of the conflict.
Sapienza University of RomeSapienza for peace. Initiatives to call for an end to all Russia’s war operations and support the civilian population affected by the fighting.
University of AmsterdamSupport UvA students in need. Crowdfunding for Ukrainian, Russian and Belarussian students in need
NOVA University LisbonNOVA for Ukraine. Website with information on how NOVA is supporting Ukraine and Ukrainian Citizens.
University of BucharestEfforts to support Ukrainian and international students and professors in the neighboring country.
University of LjubljanaHelp Ukraine. Website with information for students, researchers, teachers and administrative staff affected by the crisis in Ukraine.
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM)UAM con Ucrania. Volunteering, cooperation and solidarity opportunities to support victims of the conflict.
Stockholm UniversityRegarding the invasion of Ukraine. Information and opportunities to support the victims of the conflict.
Université de Lausanne (UNIL)Solidarité avec l’Ukraine. Information and opportunities to support the victims of the conflict.
King’s College LondonWays to support communities impacted by the invasion of Ukraine
Partnership with Citizens UK to lead on a sponsorship model for UK universities to best implement the Government’s Homes for Ukraine scheme
University of EdinburghStatement and information and opportunities to support the victims of the conflict.

From partners

Org./ InstitutionInitiative in briefExternal link
Scholars at RiskIn Solidarity With Ukraine. Efforts to support and assist the Higher Education Community affected by Russia’s assault on Ukraine from UNICA’s affiliated international network of institutions and individuals whose mission it is to protect scholars and promote academic freedom.
European University Association (EUA)European support to Ukrainian higher education community. Collection of nitiatives to support the victims of the conflict.
Erasmus Student Network (ESN)Plea to the European governments: support Ukrainian students and academics
European Students Union (ESU)Help For Ukraine. Information and advocacy resources to help the students in Ukraine.
ESN, ESU, EUF, Coimbra GroupJoint call to ensure effective support for students and staff (document with specific proposals)

From other organisations

Org./ InstitutionInitiative in briefExternal link
MSCA4Ukraine Fellowship SchemeOne of the EU’s response measures to the invasion. It will provide support to displaced researchers from Ukraine.
#ScienceForUkraineOpportunities for students and researchers from Ukrainian universities collected by a group of volunteers in Europe and the world.
European Commission – European Education AreaGuidelines on fast-track recognition of Ukrainian academic qualifications
EURAXESS – ERA4UKRAINEPortal to support researchers of Ukraine by providing them with an overview of all existing actions at European and national levels.
EIT – European Institute of Innovation & TechnologyPaid traineeships with EIT for people affected by the invasion of Ukraine

Promote your initiatives to support Ukraine

Is your institution involved in any initiatives to support those affected by the conflict in Ukraine?

Help us completing this list by sending us information about the activities at your university. Contact the UNICA Secretariat at

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