EAIE Annual Conference 2008


UNICA contribution in the frame of the EAIE Annual Conference 2008 in Antwerp: "after mobility, keep in touch"


UNICA session 9.07

UNICA session 9.07 "After mobility - keeping in touch : analysis from both institutional and student perspectives" will be held on Friday 12 September 2008 from 16:15 to 17:45.

The full EAIE conference programme is available on-line at www.eaie.org/Antwerp/programme.
Registration closes 20 August 2008.

All chairs, speakers and co-chairs are kindly requested to register on-line at www.eaie.org/Antwerp/registration.


Papers and presentations



The Supporting the After Student Mobility phase with ICT : Survey to Exchange Students and Higher Education Institutions Personnel

An online survey about supporting students' after mobility phase with the means of ICT is being carried out for a UNICA panel session in the 20th annual EIAE conference in September. The survey concerns incoming exchange students (visiting foreign students), the After the Mobility phase (i.e. time after the incoming exchange students have returned to their home country) and the support host higher education institutions can provide for students, using such ICT means as electronic and online tools. The aim of the survey is to develop higher education services and utilise a new marketing channel. Your participation in the survey would be both very important and greatly appreciated.

Dear member of Higher Education Institution staff, please fill out this short online survey questionnaire form by June 15th at https://elomake.laurea. fi/v2/lomakkeet/3146/lomake.html.

Dear exchange student, please state your opinion by filling out this short online survey questionnaire form by June 15th at https://elomake.laurea. fi/v2/lomakkeet/3284/lomake.html.

Thank you for your cooperation !


Join the Unica Cultural pub crawl

Join the Unica Cultural pub crawl in Antwerp, on Thursday, 11th September 2008.

Friday, 12 September, 2008