Doctoral Education

Since 2009, the UNICA Doctoral Education Group brings together Vice-Rectors Research, Heads and Deans of Doctoral Schools/Programmes, doctoral supervisors, academics and senior managers working in the area of doctoral education to discuss highly relevant issues for the development of the third cycle, ranging from doctoral supervision, personal development and career development of doctoral candidates, internationalisation of doctoral education and professionalisation of doctoral education staff. The Group meets every year during the annual UNICA PhD MASTER CLASS. In cooperation with the Coimbra Group of Universities Doctoral Studies Group, UNICA Doctoral Education Group organises joint training workshops on career preparation for doctoral candidates.



Prof. Melita Kovačević (University of Zagreb)

Chair of the Doctoral Education Group 


10th UNICA PhD Master Class in 2019: an anniversary edition

For the 10th edition of the UNICA PhD Master Class, we have made an overview of the best moments of the last 10 years. Travel with us through time and space by clicking here.



Proceedings of the 1st UNICA PhD MASTER CLASS (2009)

Proceedings of the 2nd UNICA PhD MASTER CLASS (2011)

Proceedings of the 3rd UNICA PhD MASTER CLASS (2012)

Proceedings of the 4th UNICA PhD MASTER CLASS (2013)

Proceedings of the 5th UNICA PhD MASTER CLASS (2014)


master_classes_in_review_ppt_compressed.pdf (7.57 MB)Download