Conference: "EMMILE in libraries (and beyond)", Milan, Feb.27-29 2012

Organised in collaboration with UNESCO, Conference "EMMILE in libraries (and beyond) - European Meeting on Media and Information Education" will be held in Milan from Feb. 27 to 29, 2012


UNESCO states that “Information and media literacy enables people to interpret and make informed judgments as users of information and media, as well as to become skillful creators and producers of information and media messages in their own right”. The exposition to a rich variety of information resources, an active learning through the usage of a different range of information and media, the acquisition of a proper methodology of research contribute to raise competent readers and aware citizens, who are able to make informed decisions. School instruction and libraries of different types (school, public, academic, health etc.) play a strategic role in this, but it is apparent that school teachers, school librarians/information specialists, librarians, educators, first are to be info-competent professionals themselves in order to help their pupils, patrons, communities in an effective lifelong learning process.


“EMMILE in Libraries (and beyond)” is a joint three day meeting that aims at exploring theory and practice in the Media and Information Literacy Education in different contexts. Plenary sessions, workshops, library and cultural visits, and the UNESCO MIL Curriculum for School Teachers and the EMPATIC Project on Information Literacy in Education as well, are part of the intensive programme.





For more information please contact:

Dr Luisa Marquardt (Università “Roma Tre”; Director Europe for IASL; IASL-IFLA Joint Steering Committee Member; IFLA SLRC Section Member; AIB CNBS Coordinator). Contats: ;