European Student Affairs Conference 2018: Call for contributions & save the date

The 2018 European Student Services Conference: Different Angles: Student services in changing political, social, economic and cultural contexts and the 12th Polish-German colloquium on student affairs will take place on 28-31 August 2018 in the city of Dessau, famed for its Bauhaus architecture, about 1 hour by train from Berlin.


The Conference will look at how student services can respond to political changes that arise form new governments or policies in higher education, and how the services or HEIs can respond to challenges in the social, economic and cultural contexts of all students in higher education.


A call for contributions is now open, please propose your own good practice in a simple online form:


This Polish-German lighthouse event is open to a European international public working in student affairs and services either within higher education institutions or in public service providers such as the Studentenwerke in Germany or similar institutions. The colloquium is also an opportunity to network with student services colleagues from across Europe and particularly Central and Eastern Europe and to discover innovative approaches and best practices in fields such as student housing, counseling dining services, and student administration.


More information is available on the conference website:


Contact & further information:  

Mr Sven Engel

Referatsleiter Internationale Beziehungen - Director of International Relations

Deutsches Studentenwerk - German National Association for Student Affairs

Monbijouplatz 11

10178 Berlin

T +49-30-297727-73