Tempus IV - Promotion of European HE Reforms in the Tempus Countries

Sunday, 30 November, 2008

UNICA and BES look for raising awareness about EU HE policies and the modernisation process, promoting reforms convergent with the principles of the Lisbon Agenda and Bologna Process in the Tempus partner countries. Two training seminars (Brussels, 14-15 April 2008 and Zagreb 16-17 June 2008) for the specific training needs of the National Teams of HE Reform Experts of the Tempus countries have been organised. The first of these two seminars (“Promoting European Higher Education Reform: Contributions of the Bologna Process - Principles & Instruments”) has recently been hosted by the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. National Teams of HE Reform from 19 different Tempus Countries have attended the conference. Besides the organisation of next seminar in Zagreb, next steps in this project will be the provision and dissemination of updated information and documentation regarding EU Higher Education Policies and the maintenance of mechanisms of information, communication and coordination that will ensure a smooth functioning of the National Teams of Higher Education Reform Experts in the Tempus countries.


Budget: 138,000€

TempusIV_Summary.pdf (87.89 KB)Download
Project status: 
Completed Projects
UNICA as Partner