RUMI: Réseau des Universités Marocaines pour l’Enseignement Inclusif (Network of Morrocan Universities for Inclusive Education) is a project conducted within TEMPUS IV programme – Structural Measures
The project aims to achieve the following specific objectives:
- Anchoring the sustainability of the CASAM (Assistance Units of Awareness, Support and Mediation) within the partner Moroccan universities. The CASAM are the interfaces that will ensure the effective promotion of inclusive policies and create lasting conditions for equal opportunities at universities in Morocco.
The following four groups are targeted:
- Students with disabilities and special needs;
- Female students facing unequal opportunities and discrimination.
- Students from remote geographical areas and suffering constraints of poverty and socio-economic insecurity;
- Foreign students and students with immigrant backgrounds;
- Evaluating the status of these four groups in the partner universities in order to identify dynamics and assess of evolution of inclusive policies and practices.
- Institutionalising the Moroccan Network of Universities for Inclusive Education (Réseau des Universités Marocaines pour l’Enseignement Inclusif – RUMI) to ensure the sustainability and the quality of these units of support.
- Strengthening the training of trainers and purchasing appropriate equipment. Purchasing material and equipment (computers with braille, Dictaphones, specialized software, etc.) necessary to ensure the inclusion of students from the target groups, especially students with disabilities, and to provide the CASAM with the tools required for the performance of their mission.
- Increasing social awareness by:
- Producing audiovisual material and ICT for the promotion of equal opportunities and inclusive education through social media, radio, television and press;
- Conducting a media campaign at the national and institutional level to raise awareness among policy makers and society at large;
- Launching a web page to host the different activities of the project and to increase the visibility of the actions taken up by the CASAM, while promoting the exchange of ideas and participatory consultation through various social networks.
- UNICA (Brussels, Belgium)
- Université Abdelmalek Essaâdi (Tétouan, Morocco)
- European Access Network (London, United Kingdom)
- Erasmushogeschool Brussel (Brussels, Belgium)
- Fontys University of Applied Sciences (Tilburg, The Netherlands)
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Brussels, Belgium)
- Université Paul Valéry – Montpellier 3 (Montpellier, France)
- Grupo Compostela de Universidades (Santiago de Compostela, Spain)
- Università degli studi Roma Tre (Rome, Italy)
- Association Bureau des Étudiants de la Faculté de Droit et d’Économie de Tanger (Tanger, Morocco)
- Université Moulay Ismail (Meknès, Morocco)
- Université Internationale de Rabat (Rabat, Morocco)
- Université Mohammed V Souissi (Rabat, Morocco)
- Université Sultan Moulay Slimane (Beni Mellal, Morocco)
- Université Cadi Ayyad (Marrakech, Morocco)
- Université Ibn Zohr (Agadir, Morocco)
- Université Mohammed Premier (Oujda, Morocco)
- Université Ibn Tofail – Kénitra (Kénitra, Morocco)
- Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur (Rabat, Morocco)
- Ministère de Solidarité, de la Femme, de la Famille et du Développement Social (Rabat, Morocco)
- Observatoire National du Developpement Humain – ONDH (Rabat, Morocco)

Project info
30 November 2013
28 February 2017
Project Coordinator
Relevant UNICA working group
UNICA-MED & Equal Opportunities