The project is developed in the framework of the Tempus programme – Structural Measures.
Aim and general description:
The system of doctoral education in Uzbekistan is in the stage of being reformed and developed according to the Resolution on the reform of doctoral education in Uzbekistan (December 2012).
Corresponding charters are being developed and implemented in practice. Now the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education and the Academy of Sciences, HEIs and Scientific research institutes coordinate their activity and standard-legal documents with the requirements of this Resolution and its appendices.
The main aim of this project is to enhance the quality of doctoral education at Higher Education Institutions in Uzbekistan, in line with the principles of European Higher Education Area.
To achieve this overall objective four specific objectives have been set:
- To understand the above mentioned legal and regulatory framework of doctoral education in Uzbekistan;
- To inform Uzbek HEIs on the organisation of doctoral education in the EHEA;
- To develop the principles of doctoral programmes organisation;
- To develop the national standards for quality assurance in doctoral education.
The project will develop in three main phases:
- In the first phase the legal and regulatory framework of doctoral education in Uzbekistan will be studied and compared with the ones in the act in the EHEA.
- In the second phase Uzbek HEIs will be informed on the organisation of doctoral education in the EHEA, this will be done through the organisation of four study visits, one in Uzbekistan and three in Europe, where experts in doctoral education from European HEI will share their experience with Uzbek peers.
- In the third phase guidelines for the development of doctoral programmes organisation and recommendations for national standards for quality assurance in doctoral education will be developed. These outputs together with the organisation of round tables with relevant stakeholders in Uzbekistan will Improve the ability of Uzbek HEI to implement quality doctoral education reform.
- UNICA (Coordinator)
- University of Zagreb (Croatia)
- Sapienza University Rome (Italy)
- Comenius University in Bratislava (Slovakia) (three UNICA universities)
- University of Granada (Spain)
- Athens University of Economics and Business (Greece)
- Tashkent Financial Institute (Uzbekistan)
- State Institute of Culture and Arts of Uzbekistan (Uzbekistan)
- Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service (Uzbekistan)
- Qaraqalpaq State University named after Berdakh (Uzbekistan)
- Karshi State University (Uzbekistan)
- Ministry of Higher Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Uzbekistan)
Project info
30 November 2013
30 November 2016
Project Coordinator
Relevant UNICA working group
PhD Officers