Preparing universities of the future: (Re)building inclusive and sustainable campuses | University of Sarajevo, 25 – 26 April 2023
On the 25nd and 26th of April 2023, the University of Sarajevo welcomed the UNICA Conference “Preparing the universities of the future: (Re)building inclusive and sustainable campuses”. The event was a joint initiative of the UNICA & the City and the UNICA Green & SDGs and provided the two working groups with an opportunity to address the topic of synergies between universities and cities from different perspectives, to learn from the expertise of colleagues with different profiles and backgrounds, and to discuss possible cooperation in the future.
About the conference
Universities are confronted with deep transformations to address a number of issues, including the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, digitalization, the climate crisis, and the growing demand for collaboration with civil society and citizens. The concept and the design of sustainable university campuses has even more incentives to implement principles of inclusivity, community, wellbeing, flexibility and connectivity.
This event aimed at discussing and presenting academic snapshots from the future, through panel discussions and case studies regarding experiences of viable designs of a multi-modal campus implemented at UNICA member universities as a response to these challenges. Participants had the opportunity to learn more about the collaboration among different actors to successfully engage in these transformations, how to respond to different expectations towards the campus, the strategies introducing interdisciplinary research facilities, multifunctional public and dining spaces, libraries, hybrid and flexible classrooms and offices, innovation ecosystems, inclusive residential solutions and campus service one-stop-shops.
Speakers at the conference addressed issues like:
- How can students be involved in campus transformation?
- How can we respond to the energy crisis, the global e-learning competition, and blended work and learning by combining ancient buildings and new technologies?
- How to improve the utilisation and accessibility of the existing academic commons by creating living labs to develop and test research and innovation?
- How can universities and cities interact to engage in sustainable transformations?
The conference began by outlining the experience of the University of Sarajevo, which is undergoing a significant campus renovation with funding from the government and the European Investment Bank. By designing, projecting, and reconstructing the main campus of the university, which is situated in the city’s administrative center and was originally a military camp, the institution is contributing to the process of valorising the entire environment.
The renovation of campuses from the perspectives of sustainability and the interaction between the institution and the city was the topic of presentations from other UNICA member universities on related initiatives and experiences.
Presentations & other resources
25 April
Session 1 – How universities and cities interact to harmonise transformations of each other
- Sarajevo Campus regeneration project, by Lejla HAJRO, Head of Directorate for University Campus Development, University of Sarajevo
- Urban green areas and quality of life, by Mirzeta MEMISEVIC HODZIC, Senior Teaching Assistant at the Faculty of Forestry, University of Sarajevo
- Universities as catalyst for change, by Wendy BOS, Chief Science Officer, City of Amsterdam
Case studies
- Science Shop: Drawing locals and university closer, by Gabi GŐBL Science Shop Program Coordinator, Central European University
- University of Edinburgh – Delivering Positive Change for Local Communities, by Matthew LAWSON, Senior SRS Learning, Teaching and Reporting Manager, University of Edinburgh
- The Climate House and Oslo Science City, by Vebjørn BAKKEN, Director at the Energy and Environment Office, University of Oslo
26 April
Session 2 – Stakeholders’ and university community’s expectations from the campus
- The campus and the city: through the lens of the international students, by Adnan RAHIMIC, International Relation Officer and PhD student, University of Sarajevo
- Campus and the city: through the lens of the international students, by Katrīna SPROGE, Vice President, European Students’ Union
- A future-proof university: a generational perspective, by Mario MANNA, PhD candidate, Luiss Guido Carli and Despoina MANTZIARI, PhD candidate, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
- Campus infrastructure towards sustainable solutions – nugging campus community and the visitors, by Helen SOOVÄLI-SEPPING, Vice-Rector for Green Transition, Tallinn University of Technology
Case studies
Miro collaborative board
Click here to access the Miro board with participants contributions that was open throughout the conference.

25-26 April 2023
University of Sarajevo