UNICA EduLAB European Conference “Design of European degrees – Building flexible pathways beyond academic cycles”

This international conference was hosted by the University of Bucharest from the 26th to the 27th of May 2022. By alternating keynote speeches, panel discussions and workshops, the programme of the Conference was designed to provide answers and create a baseline for new philosophical and structural approaches as ways to innovate teaching, learning, recognition, and internationalisation in European higher education.

Conference statement – “Towards the European Degree”


Assessing European needs for Higher Education in 2050, by Javier VALLE LÓPEZ, Professor, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Building a European Joint PhD Program: The ESSENTIAL Experience, by Irena Chiru, National Intelligence Academy

European Universities governance challenges: from project based to sustainable and innovative alliances, by Mirabela Amarandei, University of Bucharest

Doctoral Studies in Romania: Challenges and Opportunities, by Simona Iftimescum, University of Bucharest & UEFISCDI

Implementing interdisciplinarity in doctoral studies in Romania – the case of the Interdisciplinary School at University of Bucharest, by Mihai Dima (University of Bucharest – ISDS UB

Experiences of German Foundations supporting International Doctoral Cooperation in East-Central Europe, by Valeska Bopp-Filimonov, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena & ICUB

Rethinking European degrees, by Olga Wessels, ECIU Alliance, FOREU Coordinator

European Universities Alliances as piloting arenas for the future of European degrees, by Meritxell CHAVES SÁNCHEZ, Project Coordinator, University of Barcelona

UNICA EduLAB European Conference “Design of European degrees – Building flexible pathways beyond academic cycles”

University of Bucharest | Online

Hosted by the University of Bucharest


Laura Brossico (laura.brossico@unica-network.eu)