CALOHEE II – Measuring and Comparing Achievements of Learning Outcomes in Higher Education in Europe – Phase 2

An extension of CALOHEE I, the project is developed in the framework of the ERASMUS+ Key Action 3: Forward Looking Programmes the European Commission has funded the International Tuning Academy (TUNING Projects)

Funding Scheme:

Programme: Erasmus+

Key Action: Support for policy reform | Action Type: Forward looking cooperation projects

Aims and general information

The Measuring and Comparing Achievements of Learning Outcomes in Higher Education In Europe (CALOHEE) II project is a follow-up of the CALOHEE project (2016-2018). That project resulted in highly innovative outcomes; that is European Qualifications Reference Frameworks and Assessment Reference Frameworks for five key subject areas, representing as many HE sectors. These Frameworks offer a serious contribution to rethink the internal and external quality assurance policies at European level. CALOHEE offers detailed reference to allow for defining what a relevant and high quality degree programme should entail.

The follow-up project, CALOHEE II, project aims to find the answer to whether study programmes prepare students enrolled in higher education for the world of work and provide them with the needed competences, by assessing the students’ performance. The additional reliable data that should flow from the projects can help in raising the institutional and teaching and learning standards in the European Higher Education Area.

The project will deliver a benchmarking and detailed and multi-dimensional and multi-pillared assessment frameworks for each of the five fields based on the European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning. The project will also develop a matrix model to distinguish between different types of higher education institutions, a detailed work plan for the creation and implementation of transnational assessments at subject area level, and a White Paper explaining the costs and benefits of the various assessment designs.


This project has an extense list of members. See the full list in the project’s website.

UNICA members in the constortium:

  • University of Zagreb (Croatia);
  • Copenhagen University (Denamark);
  • University of Helsinki (Finland);
  • University of Vilnius (Lithuania);
  • Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain);
  • University of Warsaw (Poland).
  • Middle East Technical University (Turkey);

CALOHEE II – Measuring and Comparing Achievements of Learning Outcomes in Higher Education in Europe – Phase 2

Project info

From 01 January 2020
to 31 December 2022

Project Coordinator

University of Groningen

UNICA’s role

Member of the Advisory Board

Relevant UNICA working group