Archive year 2012
31 December 2012 | From our Members

11 December, 2012 – 12:37
The Changing Face of Music and Art Education 2nd CALL FOR PAPERS OPEN! 18-19 April 2013, Tallinn University
CFMAEYTT2013 SECOND CALL FOR PAPERS OPEN! The Changing Face of Music and Art Education: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow. Inspiration and improvisation. The 6th scientific conference for BA, MA and PhD students…Read more

6 December, 2012 – 15:30
“Capital Icons” Conference; University of Copenhagen, 14 December 2012
The “CAPITAL ICONS” Conference will be held at the University of Copenhagen , Friday 14 December 2012 , from 13:00 to 15:15. The Conference is organised by the Center for…Read more

3 December, 2012 – 10:21
Comenius/Grundtvig: Training Courses 2013 in Cyprus
The European Office of Cyprus (EOC) is pleased to announce the upcoming training courses, under the Lifelong Learning Programme – Comenius and Grundtvig. The titles, codes and dates for the…Read more

15 November, 2012 – 12:00
Intercultural Training for university teachers and international officers organised by Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest), 14-18 January 2013
Intercultural Training for university teachers & international officers Eötvös Loránd University, Department of Intercultural Education & Mobility and Faculty of Education & Pedagogy Between 14 and 18 January 2013 Eötvös…Read more

7 November, 2012 – 14:26
Freie Universität Berlin International Summer and Winter University (FUBiS)
FUBiS is an intensive, academic program through which students can earn credits that may be counted towards their degrees at their home institutions. FUBiS sessions run for 3 to 6…Read more

6 November, 2012 – 15:50
International Summer Program 2013 – University of Vienna
The International Summer Program 2013 is organized by the Sommerhochschule of the University of Vienna . The program offers four weeks of European Studies and intercultural exchange. PROGRAM Over 80…Read more
31 October, 2012 – 12:10
4th Tallinn Winter School of Tallinn University, 7-25.01.2013
The 4th Tallinn Winter School of Tallinn University takes place from January 7 th to January 25 th , 2013. The programme includes four courses: Estonian Language Russian Language Creative…Read more

19 September, 2012 – 11:09
European Innovation Academy WINTER Edition! (21.01-27.01.2013)
Tallinn University of Technology is offering you most stimulating academic environment, a vibrant community of motivated students and distinguished faculty in Winter Innovation Academy 21.01-27.01.2013!Read more

17 August, 2012 – 10:05
Grundtvig-Comenius training courses in Cyprus (next deadline for applications: 17 September)
The European Office of Cyprus invites you to take part in training courses under the Lifelong Learning Programme/ Comenius Grundtvig. List of training courses 2013 (flyer) General information on Comenius…Read more

17 August, 2012 – 09:39
SAVE THE DATE: “Conference Marie Curie Actions in Horizon 2020”, 5-6 November 2012, University of Cyprus
The Conference ” Marie-Curie Actions in Horizon 2020 Contributing to the Europe of 2020 ” will take place at the University of Cyprus, 5-6 November 2012 . The Conference will…Read more

19 July, 2012 – 15:29
4 Cities selected as an Erasmus Mundus programme!
The 4 Cities programme is among 30 applications that have been selected as Erasmus Mundus programmes, out of a total of 177 applications submitted. UNICA Euromaster in Urban Studies (4Cities)…Read more

19 July, 2012 – 12:20
Summer School 2012 “Career Perspectives in Europe”, Centre for Doctoral Studies University of Vienna, Spital am Pyhrn, 15-21 July 2012
Summer School 2012 – Career Perspectives in Europe Centre for Doctoral Studies University of Vienna 15- 21 July 2012, Spital am Pyhrn | Austria Working language: English Doctoral candidates in…Read more

22 June, 2012 – 15:52
1st International Congress of University and Disability, Madrid, 22-23 November
ONCE Foundation for the Cooperation and Social Inclusion of People with Disabilities organises the 1st International Congress of University and Disability, Madrid, 22-23 November . You are invited to submit…Read more

14 June, 2012 – 14:46
Leonardo da Vinci Placement at the International Relations and Mobility Office of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
The International Relations and Mobility Office at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) is seeking an intern! EMPLOYER INFORMATION The Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) is a dynamic and modern university with…Read more

4 June, 2012 – 13:43
LLP/Erasmus Staff Training Week – European Universities without Borders: Erasmus for All (15 – 19 October, 2012, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski)
LLP/Erasmus Staff Training Week European Universities without Borders: Erasmus for All 15 – 19 October, 2012 Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski is pleased to invite…Read more

1 June, 2012 – 14:38
Challenges and Opportunities under Research, Innovation, and Mobility Schemes in the Fields of Pharmaceutical and Medical Biotechnologies, Brussels, 20 June
“ Challenges and Opportunities under Research, Innovation, and Mobility Schemes in the Fields of Pharmaceutical and Medical Biotechnologies ” Brussels, 20 June, was organised by ENEA (Italian National Agency For…Read more

29 May, 2012 – 14:11
EAN 21st Annual Conference, 27-29 June 2012, University of Zagreb, Croatia
The EAN 21 st Annual Conference, “Access to Higher Education: is it a right, a privilege or a necessity?” will take place on 27 – 29 June 2012 at the…Read more

29 May, 2012 – 11:07
Erasmus Staff Week for Librarians, ELTE Budapest, 24-28.09.2012
Between 24 and 28 September 2012 Eötvös Loránd University (HU BUDAPES01) organizes its first 5-day Erasmus Staff Mobility Week for librarians. The working language of the programme is English. Programme…Read more

24 May, 2012 – 11:28
Summer school in Athens 15-29 July 2012: Plato’s Academy: a gateway for applied philosophy in sciences
Call for the expression of interest Summer school in Athens 15-29 July 2012 Plato’s Academy: a gateway for applied philosophy in sciences The University of Athens in collaboration with the…Read more

15 May, 2012 – 11:36
European Innovation Academy 2012 in TALLINN 16.07-03.08.2012
European Innovation Academy = Creativity + New Startups + High League Professionals. Fun? Andventure? Future Success? Yes!!! Have you ever dreamed of building up your own start-up ? Have you…Read more

11 May, 2012 – 16:33
Joint Programmes Require Joint Forces – The Management Aspect
Please join us at the conference “Joint Programmes Require Joint Forces – The Management Aspect” which is the final international conference and workshop of the JOI.CON project . The conference…Read more

8 May, 2012 – 10:39
Summer University Prague 2012
We are glad to inform you about the academic programme ” Summer University Prague 2012″ , taking place at Charles University in Prague (Czech Republic) during September 2012 (September 8…Read more

30 April, 2012 – 10:10
EAST meets WEST 2012: International Congress and Exhibition on Innovation and Entrepreneurship
The East-Meets-West on Innovation and Entrepreneurship Congress and Exhibition will be held on 1 to 4 September 2012 at the University of Cyprus . The event is organized by the…Read more

18 April, 2012 – 11:24
European Summer School at ULB: European Union Law and Policy on Immigration and Asylum
On behalf of the Odysseus Academic Network, we are pleased to inform you about the 12th Summer School on “European Union Law and Policy on Immigration and Asylum” , that…Read more

11 April, 2012 – 12:30
China Business Lectures and Seminar on access to Chinese market at Vrije Universiteit Brussel
The Brussels Institute of Contemporary China Studies (BICCS) of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) warmly invites you to its China Business Lectures – Breakfast Seminars – 19 April 2012 Technology…Read more

4 April, 2012 – 15:09
INENTER project survey
Take part in THE INENTER PROJECT SURVEY read more HERE! The “European survey on Placements” is available in online and paper versions.Read more

29 February, 2012 – 17:57
Erasmus Staff Training Week, Vilnius University, 21-25 May 2012
Vilnius University is pleased to invite you and your colleagues to the first Erasmus Staff Training Week taking place at Vilnius University from 21 to 25 May 2012 . The…Read more

22 February, 2012 – 15:32
ELTE – BCE Joint Erasmus Staff Week, Budapest, 14-18 May 2012
Training on Intercultural Competences 3rd Joint Erasmus Staff Week of Eötvös Loránd University and Corvinus University Between 14 and 18 May 2012 Eötvös Loránd University (HU BUDAPES01) and Corvinus University…Read more

22 February, 2012 – 15:05
International Week at Freie Universitaet Berlin, 18-22 June 2012
Freie Universität Berlin invites you to participate in our first International Week : Exchange Programs as Core Elements of Internationalization in Higher Education, 18-22 June, 2012, Freie Universität Berlin. The…Read more

9 February, 2012 – 18:35
Tenured position in economic geography, Dep of Geography, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Tenured position (assistant/associate professor level) in Economic Geography at the Department of Geography, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium A tenured full-time position in economic geography is available in Brussels to…Read more

3 February, 2012 – 12:18
Postdoctoral positions at Charles University: 1 July 2012 – 1 July 2014.
Post-Doc Research Fund for Foreign Young Researchers Wishing to Work at Charles University in Prague ********* deadline for submission of applications: 20 March 2012 ***************** Basic Description and Goals The…Read more

1 February, 2012 – 17:38
Conference: “EMMILE in libraries (and beyond)”, Milan, Feb.27-29 2012
Organised in collaboration with UNESCO, Conference “EMMILE in libraries (and beyond) – European Meeting on Media and Information Education” will be held in Milan from Feb. 27 to 29, 2012…Read more

1 February, 2012 – 16:05
International Summer Programme 2012 University of Vienna
The International Summer Program 2012 is organized by the Sommerhochschule of the University of Vienna. The program offers four weeks of European Studies and intercultural exchange. PROGRAMME Over 80 students…Read more

30 January, 2012 – 14:57
International Staff Exchange Week, University of Helsinki, 21-25 May 2012
University of Helsinki offers a one week programme [ISEW, International Staff Exchange Week] taking place in 21-25 May 2012. Please follow the link below for further information about ISEW:…Read more

30 January, 2012 – 14:43
3rd Nemitsas Prize of the Takis and Louki Nemitsas Foundation
3rd Nemitsas Prize 2012 for Cypriot-origin Scientists, of the Takis and Louki Nemitsas Foundation, will be awarded, in November 2012, in the following six Engineering fields: Mechanical Engineering Electrical Engineering…Read more

16 January, 2012 – 10:54
European Student Think-Tank Student Meeting, University of Ljubljana, 9-12 March 2012
The European Student Think Tank is organizing a meeting of strategy groups (groups of university students discussing and preparing policy proposals on European Issues)on 9-12 March 2012 in Slovenia. The…Read more